Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sameach at Simchat Torah

This is my first post of this year. Since me and my family came back from visiting my family in Turkey, a lot has been happening. I want to apologize to everybody who has been reading my blog. Now I'm back on track, so let the fun begin.

I know Simchat Torah is already here but I still wanted to add a few ideas to start this school year. 
The first idea is coming from my friend and colleague Eileen's 3 years-old-class. These hand-made Torahs look very cute and are very easy to carry to the schul for hakafot.

She gave every child white paper bags to decorate with stars and Torah prints. They filled the bags with crumpled newspaper. Then the children dipped the craft sticks in the glue and then in the glitter. After the sticks were dry, they added them on the paper bag, and... voila.
I personally don't like bringing glitter to my house, but I discovered that if we dip the craft sticks in 'Mod Pudge' (which can be found at Michael's or at any craft store.) after the glitter has dried, the sticks have an extra coat to keep the glitter safe.

The next project is one of my favorite project for Simchat Torah: Edible Torah.
For this project we use tortillas, cream cheese, big pretzel sticks, and some sprinkles. Then we let everybody to create their own Torahs. What could be yummier than that. 

Hag sameach!