Sunday, October 23, 2011


This year's rain and wind didn't let us sit in the sukkah as much as we wanted.  We went to the school's sukkah as we planned with snack and everything.  Even though it was lightly drizzling we stayed and sat in the sukkah.  We sang, danced and ate our snack.  We even joked that with the rain we took a shower in the sukkah!  The kids loved this idea because it was very funny, and they couldn't wait to tell their parents.

For little kids a sukkah doesn't have to be outside only.  There will be days that you won't be able to get there.  But the mini sukkah in the classroom is a lifesaver, and it is fun to make and play in.  This way the kids can sit in the sukkah and decorate it anytime they want.

This little sukkah was made in my friend Jo's classroom by two years olds. (Just a little tip: Now that all the big stores are into recycling boxes, it was hard to find a box this year.  I think we teachers should let the stores know ahead of time so when they get the shipment they can save some boxes for us.)
The teacher opened a few slits on the top of the box with an exacto knife (to see the stars).  Then the children tore some green paper into schach and glued the pieces all over the box.  Of course, let's not forget the decorations that go in the box or wherever you want.

After using a box for a sukkah I always keep it for future projects. In the same year, a box can start as a sukkah, then turn into a firetruck, then a puppet theater, and then an aquarium.  As we all know, sometimes when a child receives a new toy, the box is the best part to play with.

Enjoy creating boxtastic ideas.
Hag Sameach!

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